Our Discography

Explore our musical journey through albums and singles released.

Two individuals are engaged in music mixing, with one adjusting the controls on a mixer in a dimly lit setting. The lighting is primarily purple and blue, creating a vivid nightclub atmosphere. Both are casually dressed, and one of the shirts has text printed on it.
Two individuals are engaged in music mixing, with one adjusting the controls on a mixer in a dimly lit setting. The lighting is primarily purple and blue, creating a vivid nightclub atmosphere. Both are casually dressed, and one of the shirts has text printed on it.
Latest Release

Check out our newest tracks that showcase our evolving sound and creativity, blending influences from Greece and London into a unique musical experience.

Two musicians perform against a weathered brick wall. One plays a guitar and sings into a microphone, wearing a bright yellow tank top. The other plays a saxophone, wearing a colorful cap and blue shirt. A sound system with colorful stickers is positioned nearby.
Two musicians perform against a weathered brick wall. One plays a guitar and sings into a microphone, wearing a bright yellow tank top. The other plays a saxophone, wearing a colorful cap and blue shirt. A sound system with colorful stickers is positioned nearby.
Previous Works

Discover our earlier projects that laid the foundation for our music, reflecting our growth as artists and the diverse styles that inspire us.

Two people are present in a well-equipped music studio. One person is seated at a computer desk with various audio equipment, including speakers and a microphone. The other person is leaning over the seated individual while interacting with them. There is also a keyboard and acoustic panels on the walls. The room has modern decor and large windows with natural light coming through.
Two people are present in a well-equipped music studio. One person is seated at a computer desk with various audio equipment, including speakers and a microphone. The other person is leaning over the seated individual while interacting with them. There is also a keyboard and acoustic panels on the walls. The room has modern decor and large windows with natural light coming through.


Explore our musical journey through albums and singles released.

Two musicians are on stage, deeply engaged in a live performance. One of them plays an electric guitar while the other, wearing a sleeveless shirt, leans in. The scene captures the intimacy and energy of a live music show, with dim lighting and audience presence partially visible in the background.
Two musicians are on stage, deeply engaged in a live performance. One of them plays an electric guitar while the other, wearing a sleeveless shirt, leans in. The scene captures the intimacy and energy of a live music show, with dim lighting and audience presence partially visible in the background.
Two women wearing floral dresses perform music under a green canopy. One plays a double bass while the other plays a guitar. They stand in front of microphones, and natural light filters through the canopy.
Two women wearing floral dresses perform music under a green canopy. One plays a double bass while the other plays a guitar. They stand in front of microphones, and natural light filters through the canopy.